Know This Before You Restring Your Compound Bow

The moment your arrow finally finds its mark after a clean shot is a feeling that’s hard to match. It’s the culmination of practice, precision, and the perfect equipment. Among your tools, your bowstring is paramount. It’s the lifeline that translates your energy into a soaring arrow. As crucial as it is, it’s not designed to last forever. Depending on how often you use it, the elements it’s exposed to, and the care it receives, you’ll inevitably need to restring your compound bow. The question is, how much will it cost?

How Much Does It Cost to Restring a Bow, Compound Bow, Longbow, and ...

The cost of restringing a compound bow can vary depending on factors like the type of string you choose, the complexity of your bow, and the location of the service.

Types of Strings

The type of string you choose will have a significant impact on the cost of restringing. Strings come in a variety of materials, construction types, and brands, each with its own unique performance characteristics and price point.

Dacron Strings: These are the most affordable strings, ranging from $10-$20. They’re durable and forgiving, making them a good choice for beginners. However, they stretch more than other string materials, so they may need to be replaced more often.

Nylon Strings: Nylon strings are slightly more expensive than Dacron strings, typically costing around $20-$30. They stretch less than Dacron, so they can last longer. They also offer a bit more accuracy and consistency.

Spectra Strings: Spectra strings are more expensive than Dacron and nylon strings, costing around $30-$40. They’re made from a high-performance fiber that’s both strong and durable. Spectra strings are known for their low stretch and high accuracy, but they can be more difficult to install than other strings.

BCY Strings: BCY is a leading manufacturer of bowstrings in the world, and their strings are used by many professional archers. BCY strings come in various materials and construction types, and they offer a wide range of prices from $20 up to over $100. BCY strings are known for their quality and durability.

Complexity of the Bow

The complexity of your bow can also affect the cost of restringing. Some bows, such as recurve bows and longbows, are relatively simple to restring. However, compound bows have a more complex design, which can make restringing more time-consuming and difficult. As a result, restringing a compound bow will generally cost more than restringing a simpler bow.

Location of the Service

The location of the service can also affect the cost of restringing a compound bow. In general, restringing services are more expensive in urban areas than in rural areas. This is because the cost of living is higher in urban areas, which means that businesses in these areas have to charge more for their services.

Taking all of these factors into consideration, the average cost of restringing a compound bow can range from $30-$100. However, the final cost may be higher or lower depending on your specific circumstances.

How Much Does it Cost to Restring a Compound Bow | Archery Stream

Tips on Getting a Good Deal

If you’re looking to save money on restringing, here are a few tips:

  • Ask for a discount if you’re restringing multiple bows at the same time.
  • Purchase your strings online and restring the bow yourself. However, only do this if you’re comfortable working on your bow.
  • Find a local archery shop that offers restringing services. Often, a small business can be more flexible with their pricing, and they may be willing to give you a discount.

How Much Does It Cost To Restring A Compound Bow


Replacing your bowstring is a necessary part of maintaining your bow and ensuring accuracy and safety. By understanding the factors that affect it, you can make an informed decision about how much you’re willing to spend on the service. Whether you choose to restring your bow yourself or take it to a professional, remember that it’s an investment in the longevity of your bow and your archery experience.