The Ultimate Guide – Keeping the Pacifier in Your Newborn’s Mouth


Parenthood brings countless joys and challenges, and one of the most common struggles faced by new parents is keeping a pacifier in their baby’s mouth. A pacifier can be a lifesaver for soothing a fussy baby, but it can also become a source of frustration when it keeps falling out. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the reasons why pacifiers fall out and provide you with practical tips and expert insights to help your little one keep that precious pacifier in place.

How To Keep Pacifier In Newborn Mouth ( 2024 Guides )

Understanding Why Pacifiers Fall Out

Pacifiers fall out for several reasons, including:

  • Baby’s natural tongue movement: Newborns’ tongues are strong and constantly moving, which can push the pacifier out of their mouth.
  • Poor pacifier design: Some pacifiers are not designed to fit newborns’ mouths properly, making it easier for them to fall out.
  • Teething: As babies start teething, they chew and bite on everything, including their pacifiers, which can loosen their grip.
  • Pacifier size: Using a pacifier that is too large or too small for your baby’s mouth can contribute to it falling out.

Expert Tips for Keeping the Pacifier In

  • Choose the right pacifier: Opt for newborn-specific pacifiers designed to fit their small mouths and have a contoured shape that follows the baby’s tongue.
  • Use a pacifier strap: Pacifier straps are adjustable bands that attach to the pacifier and wrap around the baby’s head, preventing the pacifier from falling out completely.
  • Try different pacifier grips: Some pacifiers have special grips or handles that make it easier for babies to hold onto them.
  • Use a pacifier holder: A pacifier holder is a small, handheld device that clips onto the pacifier and keeps it close to the baby’s face.
  • Warm up the pacifier: A warm pacifier is more pliable and less likely to be pushed out, so try warming it up in warm water before giving it to the baby.
  • Cool the pacifier: If teething is causing the pacifier to fall out, try cooling it in the refrigerator for a few minutes to soothe the baby’s gums and reduce chewing.
  • Check for damage: Regularly inspect the pacifier for any cracks or tears, as these can make it more likely to fall out.
  • Be patient: It may take some time for your baby to get used to keeping the pacifier in their mouth. Be patient and keep trying different techniques until you find what works best.

Additional Considerations

  • Safety first: Ensure that the pacifier strap is not too tight and does not obstruct the baby’s breathing.
  • Hygiene: Keep the pacifier clean by sterilizing it regularly and washing it with mild soap and water in between uses.
  • Discourage pacifier dependency: While pacifiers can be helpful in the short term, it is important to avoid overuse. Encourage your baby to self-soothe and gradually reduce pacifier use as they grow older.

how to keep pacifier in baby mouth - jamesvanriemsdykwife

How To Keep Pacifier In Newborn Mouth


Keeping a pacifier in a newborn’s mouth can be a challenge, but with patience and the right techniques, you can overcome this common obstacle. Remember, every baby is different, so experiment with different pacifier brands and tactics until you find the perfect solution. By following these expert tips and practicing consistency, you can ensure that both you and your little one experience the soothing benefits of a pacifier.