How to Leave Your Car Running with Doors Locked – Toyota Edition


Imagine this: you’re in the thick of winter, and you just jumped into your warm car to escape the icy grip outside. As you settle into the cozy embrace of your heated seats, a sudden urge for a steaming cup of coffee strikes you. Do you dare step out of your haven, leaving your car running but vulnerable to the elements? With Toyota’s ingenious solution, you can have both warmth and security – learn the art of leaving your car running with doors locked. This guide will empower you with the knowledge to keep your Toyota purring while guarding it against unwanted intrusions.

Locked Out Of Toyota Corolla

Toyota’s Remote Engine Start

The key to this automotive sorcery lies in Toyota’s Remote Engine Start feature, a sophisticated system that allows you to start your car remotely, even from a distance. Integrated into your Toyota key fob, this feature grants you the ability to warm up your car on frigid mornings, cool it down on scorching afternoons, or simply leave it running for a quick errand – all without compromising your vehicle’s security.

Step-by-Step Guide

To engage this remarkable feature, follow these simple steps:

  1. Ensure your Toyota is in park and the parking brake is engaged.

  2. Exit your vehicle and close all doors.

  3. Locate the Remote Engine Start button on your key fob, typically denoted by an engine icon.

  4. Press and hold the button for approximately 2 seconds. The car’s lights will flash, and the engine will roar to life.

  5. Voila! Your Toyota is now running with doors securely locked.

Important Note: Safety First

While Remote Engine Start offers unparalleled convenience, it’s crucial to prioritize safety. Never leave your car running unattended in an enclosed space, as this can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning. Always engage the parking brake before activating Remote Engine Start to prevent unintended movement.

How to Leave Car Running With Doors Locked? – WhatinCar

Additional Benefits

Beyond the convenience of starting your car remotely, Remote Engine Start offers other advantages:

  1. Comfort Control: Preheat or cool down your car before you even step inside, ensuring a comfortable temperature from the get-go.

  2. Energy Conservation: Remote Engine Start allows you to start your car for a limited duration, typically 10-15 minutes. This helps conserve fuel and reduce emissions by avoiding prolonged idling.

  3. Enhanced Security: Leaving your car running with doors locked deters potential thieves, as they cannot simply jump in and drive away.

How To Leave Car Running With Doors Locked Toyota


Toyota’s Remote Engine Start feature empowers you with the ability to leave your car running with doors securely locked, offering unparalleled convenience and enhanced security. By following the simple steps outlined above, you can enjoy the warmth of a running car while safeguarding your vehicle from intruders. Remember to prioritize safety by never leaving your car running unattended in enclosed spaces and always engaging the parking brake before activating Remote Engine Start. Embrace the technological marvel that is Remote Engine Start and experience the epitome of automotive convenience and peace of mind.